The Central Indiana Amateur Radio Association (CIARA) is a general-interest radio club that is operated by in Hamilton County Indiana. While we usually meet in Noblesville (Hamilton County), membership is open to anyone who is interested. We welcome both new and returning or renewing members.
Full membership is available to anyone holding an FCC Amateur Radio license. Full members may vote and hold office.
Associate membership is available to all interested persons. Associate members may not hold office, providing that it is consistent with FCC regulations.
CIARA dues are collected on a calendar year basis. $20.00 per year for an individual, $30.00 per year for a family membership, and $5 per year for students. The balance of the year when someone joins is at no charge. You may pay at any meeting.
You can sign up using this application for here or download the Membership Application (MS Word) and bring it to a club meeting.
Visitor Information
Typically, we meet the first Saturday of each month at 10:00 am at the Noblesville Fire Station 76 at 16800 Hazel Dell Road (about 1/8 mile south of S.R. 32). Park anywhere in the lot (not the apparatus apron) and come in the double doors in the front. You will be entering the meeting room, so no hallways to go down. Sit anywhere. Sometimes we have an activity that conflicts with our meeting, so it is best to listen to the net or check our e-mail group.
Many of us also volunteer with the Hamilton County Emergency Management Agency, where we help with emergency communications when needed, and promote EMA at local fairs and events. This group is Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service or RACES. This is a “function”, not a club. We work under the direction of the Hamilton County Emergency Management Director. RACES also typically meets on the first Saturday of the month from 8:00 am – 10:00 am at the fire station. RACES meetings are closed to the public and require you to be an active member of RACES with a valid HCEM badge to attend this meeting. For more information click on the RACES link at the top of the page.
Sundays and Thursday at 8:00 p.m. there are nets on different repeaters. For information about the nets and repeaters, go to our Repeaters page.